1001 Medical Plaza Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77380
boy brushing his teeth

It’s National Children’s Dental Health Month: Let’s Talk Teeth!

added on: February 4, 2020

Your Woodlands dentist knows how very important it is to take care of your smile at any age, but this is especially true for little ones. Since this month is all about raising awareness about children’s oral health care, what better time than now to have a little refresher course packed with a few reminders about some of the tips and tricks parents and caregivers need to help keep small smiles healthy. 

Crushing Brushing

At our pediatric dental office in The Woodlands (Growing Great Grins), we spent countless hours each week talking to patients and their parents. When you’re raising a little one who is experiencing what it’s like to get teeth and them keeping them clean, it can be a little bit of a challenge. We get it! They don’t always want to brush and you don’t always have the patience to push forward. It’s always good to remember that, ideally, kids (and parents) should always brush twice a day. This is important for kiddos of all ages who now have their teeth. Decay can happen as soon as their first tooth pokes through. As soon as this happens, the American Dental Association recommends picking up a tube of fluoride toothpaste, preferably with their seal of acceptance. Try brushing for two minutes twice a day to help keep your child’s smile healthy and bright. If you’re running into problems, try creating a “brushing song” like this one courtesy of YouTube. 

Stopping Sugar

We all know that what we eat affects both our overall and oral health. Today, more than ever, making healthy food choices can be more difficult — especially for kids. On any given day, they might find themselves with sugary beverages, snacks, and other foods in front of them, instead of more nutritious options like fresh fruits and veggies. The truth is, Americans are consuming sugary foods and drinks that are also high in starch in even bigger portions! Did you know that in the U.S. on average, individuals consume approximately 50 gallons of sugary beverages per year! 

Help reduce your children’s risk of tooth decay by doing these things:

– Consume sugary foods and drinks with meals when your saliva production can help neutralize acid production
– Limit snacking between meals
– Try drinking more water or low-fat milk
– See your Woodlands dentist twice a year

Staying Healthy

Kids’ smiles are important, but so is yours. Patients of all ages need to take care of their smiles so that you avoid more costly and potentially dangerous diseases down the road. This means everything from:

– Brushing twice a day for two minutes and flossing once
– Eating a healthy diet with little to no sugar
– Seeing a Woodlands dentist regularly for the prevention of disease

We want you and your family to experience how amazing life can be when you have a healthy smile. We’re proud to provide general dentistry for families of all shapes and sizes at these outstanding locations in The Woodlands: 

Robert G. Dernick DDS

Epstein & Vakil

Mike Freeman DDS

Alisa M. Reed DD

Visit them online to learn more or give us a call at your earliest convenience. We’re happy to talk with you about your family and what kind of dental needs they may have. We want everyone in The Woodlands to have access to outstanding, comprehensive dental care.