1001 Medical Plaza Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Woodlands Dental Group

Poolside Dental Safety: Tips for Avoiding Dental Accidents 

added on: August 18, 2023

Many parents are aware of the multitude of injuries that can happen poolside. Though you may constantly remind your kiddos to not run by the water, this warning may go unheeded in the excitement of the moment. The Woodlands Dental Group is here to help you avoid a dental emergency this summer and provide you with information concerning dental emergency services should an accident occur. 

Many homes in The Woodlands have pools, which can provide a peaceful and refreshing oasis to cool off on a hot Texas afternoon. Poolside birthday parties can be fun for all ages, though they require plenty of supervision to ensure everybody has a great time and keeps all their teeth intact. Parents may even want to have the number of a dentist in The Woodlands on speed dial this summer. 

How to Protect Your Teeth at the Pool 

Mouth injuries can happen from a variety of outdoor activities throughout the year, especially when participating in sports. This is no different in the pool, with accidents prone to happen during activities such as water polo, water volleyball, or even slipping off of the diving board while trying to show off that super cool backflip. 

The number one safety tip to heed while at the pool is to walk, not run, on wet surfaces. Never dive into shallow water and always pay attention to pool signage. Those participating in contact water sports may want to consider a mouthguard for an additional layer of protection against oral injury. 

What to Do in the Event of an Accident

Accidents happen and if you or somebody you know has been the victim of a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth at the pool, seek out an emergency dentist. Broken teeth can result in exposed nerves, which cause significant pain. Cracks can worsen if they’re left untreated. 

If a tooth is knocked out or significant cracking or chipping has occurred, call an emergency dental provider right away. Locate the tooth if possible and place it in a clean container. Keeping calm is key, though suffering an oral injury can be painful and scary. If bleeding occurs, pack the wound with gauze and follow the instructions provided by your Woodlands dentist.  

If you or anybody you know needs dental emergency treatment in The Woodlands, TX — we can help. We have a pediatric dentist, Dr. Leslie Blackburn, on staff who can formulate the proper course of action if your child has been the victim of a poolside accident. Contact our Woodlands Dental Group practice for information regarding services and treatment.